Do you feel free?  Are you creating what you wish?

Do you question whether you are bringing your grandest dreams– whatever they may be, to life?

When you define your actions, do you take them?  Do you follow through; giving them your best efforts?

Do you get back up when you’ve been flattened? What about when the rug gets pulled out from you?

Throughout the events of betrayal, abandonment, pain, death, bad food, unlovely relations;

can you remember that this too, will pass?

Can you climb out of your own self-created prison? Your personalized box? 

Will you even look to see if you’re in one?  

What do you do when you think that you are not:

  • smart enough,
  • fast enough,
  • skinny enough,
  • experienced enough,
  • resourceful enough, or whatever you may think you lack?

Only our stories hold us back.  Stories which we tell ourselves.

The trouble is that we may not even be aware of them, at least consciously.

They are often those same damn repetitive ditties that you can’t get out of your mind–or into your mind.

They show up as a pattern, a repeat, somewhat like watching a rerun on television.

Your story can make you an unstoppable force in the Universe, or stop you before you even try.

Stories can stop us from creating what we would really love to bring into this world,

or our stories can align us with our dreams.